Download video from TikTok
Download any video from TikTok without watermark
How to download the required video?
Insert link
Copy the link to the video you want in the mobile app or on the official TikTok website. Paste the link into the input field and click «Download».
Select an action
Select one of the listed actions to interact with the video. Our development team is constantly updating the functionality of the service.
Download result
Everything is ready! Download the video you need to your phone or any other device!
Service description
TIKSAVER is one of the most popular free services for downloading various media content (video, music, sounds, user avatars) from the TikTok platform. The main advantage of this service is that it allows you to download videos not only with watermarks, but also without watermarks. To receive video or any other media content in high resolution, you no longer need to install additional programs on your computer or smartphone - now all you need is a link to the video you are interested in.
Top 10 reasons: why users choose our service?
- Our service does not require registration and is absolutely free.
- You can download without watermark video, avatar or sound.
- Did you like the music from the video? Download it using our service.
- The ability to find out detailed statistics about the author and get any other media content that third-party services cannot provide.
- There are no restrictions on the number of downloads, however, if you use the service frequently, you will need to complete a captcha.
- Availability of round the clock technical support.
- The most convenient and simple instructions for downloading separately for iPhone, Android or PC.
- We have implemented the «Search History» subsection.
- Our service can be installed like a regular application on a smartphone or PC. This type of application is safe for any of your devices and takes almost no space in its memory.
- We are constantly working to optimize and improve the quality of our service.
How to get download link for video from TikTok?
- Open the TikTok app
- Select the video you want to download
- Click on and in the «Share» section click on the button «Link»
Where do TikTok videos go after uploading?
After downloading, you can find your video in the folder that you have chosen by default to download any other files. However, if you wish, before you start downloading the file, you can choose the folder in your browser settings in which the downloaded media content will be stored.
Can the video download quality be improved?
Unfortunately no. Our service provides the ability to download source files of media content stored on the servers of the TikTok platform. The quality of the video depends only on its author.
Error while downloading video: what to do?
First, try to find out the cause of the error:
- Incorrect video download link — make sure that you copied the link to the publication with the video you need. If you copy a link to a user account, live broadcast, etc., then our service will not be able to fulfill your request.
- Video is restricted - TikTok does not allow you to download private videos.
- Video not available for download - We are in the process of resolving this issue.
Does TIKSAVER save uploaded videos or keep copies of them?
Our service provides two options for downloading medical content: a link to the material and direct download. In the second option, TIKSAVER caches video or any other media content from TikTok servers so that the end user can get a high-resolution file and open it on any device. Once a user uploads a file, the media content is automatically deleted from our servers.
Where is search history data stored?
For the convenience of the user, we have implemented the «Search History» subsection, in which you can track the history of your requests in order to find what you were looking for at the right time. We use cookies to save the history on your device and do not store it on our servers, which makes TIKSAVER completely anonymous and secure.
Do I have to pay to download media content?
No, our service is completely free and exists due to advertising and user donations.
Can TIKSAVER be used on phones other than iPhone?
Of course yes. Every smartphone with any operating system (Android, IOS, etc.) is suitable for using our service. The main thing is access to the Internet.
Tired of advertising: can it be removed on the site?
To support the existence of our service, which provides its services absolutely free of charge, a whole team of programmers and marketers who need to be paid salaries is required. In this regard, advertising, being the only way to finance our project, allows you to use the TIKSAVER service for free and an unlimited number of times.